Sunday, December 16, 2012

Danielle's Going Away Party/Trivia

Everyone out to dinner for Danielle's last dinner at
General P's. As you can tell, she was very loved!
Although this past week was quite tame, I did have two very fun nights. Last Monday was Danielle's going away party. Danielle was the most helpful person that I have met here so far. She helped me move, even when she was only 90% sure what building it was and had no idea what the apartment number was, and the next day she and another friend, Lily, showed me around my new neighborhood so that I had at least some idea of where I was living.

For her going away get together, we got galbi at our usual large-group restaurant, General P's. Dinner was fantastic, as usual. A lot of people showed up, which attests to the fact that Danielle was a much-loved member of the Byeongjeom community. Her contract ended, and she returned to Canada. Her replacement, Mechelle, is actually from Canada as well!

Danielle and the lady taking her spot, Mechelle.

Some of my favorite people here, (from left to right)
Jason, Lily, Jen, and Adam.

George, a coworker, a random Korean guy, Danielle, and Jason.

Adam and I.

Random Korean guy and Lily.
All Koreans pose for pictures with the peace sign.
Seriously, all of them.

Random Korean guy, Lily, Jen, Danielle, and I.
I also hosted a pub quiz (aka trivia) this past Thursday! I guess that the Byeongjeom people had done one every week for quite a few months, but had stopped doing it for about two months before I arrived. It somehow came up one of the first nights that I was here, and when I told people that I had hosted trivia for almost a year and a half back home, they were super excited to revive it. And revive it we did! It was nice that it required very little work on my part--I just printed out two old quizzes I had created for back home, and randomly picked the questions on Thursday night. There were four teams, and first and second place were only two points apart. At the beginning, everyone put in about $2, and the winning team won all the money. It seemed like everyone had fun (including me), so I am counting it a success.

First place team, and winners of all the money,
Jorge, Harrison, Dan!
Winners of the best team name with "Quiz on my Face",
Katie, Phil, and Jason!

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