Saturday, November 2, 2013

SPOL Halloween Party

Simone, Dan and I in our costumes at school.
Last Friday was our Halloween party at school. The kids seemed to really love seeing people in costume because Halloween is not celebrated here. A few of the younger kids showed up as superheroes or princesses, but not too many kids had costumes. We had another Fun Mart, which is where students can buy toys and candy with Fun Dollars that they earn by being good in class. We also served popcorn and just played around with the kids all day. Dan had a very scary costume, and made no less than four children cry out of fear! I opted for a costume that was much less scary and much less work.

At school, my costume was "paper". As in the game Rock, Scissors, Paper! Which means that I lost that game ALL DAY once kids figured out I would always be paper. It took me about five minutes to finish it -- I crumpled up balls of paper and stapled them to my shirt and made a crown out of paper that we clipped in my hair. 


Emma and Chloe getting ready for the chaos.

Nice photo bomb, Dan.

The kids were pretty freaked out by Olivia's costume.

One of our youngest (and most adorable) classes.
A few of them dressed up!

Popcorn station.


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